
Cabinet approves development of Vernamfield Aerodrome in Clarendon

by April 13th, 2017

Cabinet has given approval, for the development of the Vernamfield Aerodrome in Clarendon.

Transport Minister, Mike Henry, made the announcement, during his sectoral debate  presentation in parliament, Wednesday.

He  said as part of the development, the Jamaica defense force Airwing will be relocated to Vernamfield to assist with security .

The Transport Minister  Stated that  a training college as well as general aviation services will also be in place.

Additionally Mr. Henry said cabinet has taken the decision for the establishment of Tinson Pen as a logistics park and the relocation of Tinson Pen and its domestic air service activities to Vernamfield in Clarendon.


Mr. Henry added that the economic benefits to arise from the development of the Vernamfield project will be substantial.   He said  a number of other services will be relocated to Vernamfield as part of the development.


Meantime, Mr. Henry, has announced a raft of measures, to be implemented by the Transport Authority, in the coming months, for the public transportation sector.

Among the measures announced, is the establishment of one hundred new routes island-wide.

Mr. Henry said 2 thousand five hundred new licenses will be offered. Under the new routes to be established, which will create more employment for Jamaicans.

He said the Transport Authority has also authorized the inclusion of 7 seater motor cars, as route taxis, once the units are properly insured, to be used in the PPV sector.

Additionally, the transport minister said, the Authority will implement a City Taxi Initiative, for major towns, across the island.








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