
Call For Audit Of Southern Parks & Markets Ltd.

by September 1st, 2015

Member of Parliament for Northeast Manchester, Audley Shaw is calling on The Auditor General to conduct an audit into the operations of the Southern Parks and Markets Limited.

Northeast Manchester MP, Audley Shaw

Northeast Manchester MP, Audley Shaw

He says this is in an effort to find out what’s happening with garbage collection in Manchester.

Mr Shaw states that there is a major problem with garbage collection in his constituency.


Mr Shaw says he complained that there were only two trucks operating in Manchester and he was told by an officer at Southern Parks and Markets that 15 trucks were assigned to Manchester, Clarendon and St Elizabeth.

He states that he’s calling for an audit into the operations of Southern Parks and Markets.


He was speaking during the State of the Constituency Debate in parliament this afternoon (September 01, 2015).

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