
Carlos Hill freed

by May 24th, 2017

Former Cash Plus boss, Carlos Hill walked free today (May 24) after the case against him collapsed in the home circuit court.

Hill was charged in April 2008 with fraudulently inducing people to invest and attempting to fraudulently induce people to invest in the investment scheme between April and November 2007.

The prosecution today offered no evidence against him.

One of Hill’s attorneys, Deborah Martin said only one of 16 witnesses had come forward to give evidence at the trial, which was to have started today.

Prosecutor Adley Duncan told the court, that the prosecution did not have sufficient evidence to prove the case against Hill.

Duncan said witnesses who used to work at cash plus were needed, but they were not available.

Ms. Martin says justice Chester stamp directed the jury to return a formal verdict of not guilty.

It is reported that some 40 thousand investors in cash plus are owed 10 billion dollars.

Cash plus collapsed in 2008.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hill didn’t say much on leaving court.

When questioned about compensation for depositors he said that will definitely happen, especially now that the case is behind him.

Hill’s attorney Deborah martin says the matter of compensation is being dealt with separately.

And, the case against Carlos Hill lasted 9 years.

It came to an end today, after the crown offered no evidence against him.

Hill was arrested in 2008 and the case was committed to the Supreme Court on November 16, 2010.

During this time, he has been on $15 m bail, and was reporting to the police every Monday.

Earlier, he had curfew placed on him, and could not leave his house, this was later lifted.

Hill could not travel, as stop orders were in place against him, since 2008.

There was a first trial from March 14 to 18, 2013.

Hill’s attorney Deborah Martin says at that time, witnesses came to give evidence but the case was stopped.

The case ended today, after nine years of delays, with Hill walking away from court a free man.


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