Headline News

Government approves 832 additional job posts for UTECH
The government has approved an additional staff complement for the University of Technology (UTECH).   Cabinet considered and
INDECOM probing shooting death of alleged intruder by off-duty policeman
The Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) is probing an incident in which a 29-year-old man was fatally shot, allegedly by
Gov’t passes bill to amend retirement age for DPP and Auditor General
Despite objection from the Opposition, the government used its majority to pass a bill amending the constitution to increase the
NIA calls for clarification on Political Ombudsman role
The National Integrity Action (NIA) is urging the government to clarify and expedite the new arrangements that are intended for the
Gov’t MPs want Mark Golding to be sanctioned for ‘dead voters’ comment
Opposition Leader Mark Golding has been warned that if he does not apologize for his comment about dead voters, a censure motion could
Woman and child homeless following house fire in Galina, St. Mary
A woman and child are homeless after fire gutted their home in Galina, St. Mary lastnight (July 24).   The blaze reportedly began
Gov’t MP Warmington walks out of Integrity Commission Oversight Committee meeting, following heated exchange
There was a heated exchange during this morning’s (July 25) meeting of the Integrity Commission Oversight Committee, which ended
Police say homeowners to do background checks on potential tenants
As the police continue efforts to put an end to lottery scamming in the country, homeowners and property managers are being reminded to