Headline News, WTS (Whats The Scoop)


The two men who were caught on camera breaking open the padlocked gate to the Bog Walk Gorge, in St. Catherine have been charged.

They are 45 year old Glenroy Denton and 52-year-old Garth Brown.

They are facing charges of malicious destruction of property and breaching the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, ODPEM Act.

Video footage surfaced of the two men, trying to open the gate after they were closed during flood rains on Monday September 26, to prevent persons from using the gorge.

One man was charged on September 29 and the other yesterday (October 3).

Head of the Public Safety and Traffic Enforcement Branch ACP Gary Mckenzie says the men are to face the court on Thursday October 6.



Kedine Blair, the mother of 16-year old Ne-Sean Blair who is now in hospital paralyzed, and whose story Irie Fm News highlighted recently, is renewing her plea for help for her son.

The teen was hit by a stray bullet on his 16th birthday in his community in Manchester.

A Go-Fund me account has been set up to raise some 70,000 US dollars needed for Ne-Sean to seek medical attention overseas, however, only 1,600 dollars of that goal has been met.

In an emotional plea this morning (April 17), Mrs. Blair who is now at the Kingston Public Hospital visiting her son, says she fears his condition is getting worst.

She is calling for any available assistance.

Go-Fund me link- https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-help-nesean-blair-to-walk-again



March 1st, 2015 by