
Cham accuses government of Tourism bias

by April 30th, 2021

Dancehall deejay Cham has accused the Jamaican government of giving preferential treatment to those in the tourism industry.

In a post made to Instagram on Friday Cham wrote, “Tourism Board and the hotels cried that their businesses are dying, so the government is opening the country for them on May 1 to save their pockets.”

In the post shared with his 132,000 followers, Cham further stated, “Promoters, DJs, entertainers, corner shops, and the people of the country have been crying (to deaf ears) that they too are dying – but the government has imposed stricter “lockdown” on them!!! Who are you working for? Who put you in power?? Will you police the hotels and tourists the same as you police the people??? #Lockdown.”

Cham’s comments come following an announcement from Minister of Tourism, Edmund Bartlett that on Saturday, May 1, Jamaica will reopen its borders to international visitors from the United Kingdom.

According to Minister Bartlett, “Jamaica’s position at this time is critical in relation to the opening up of the summer tourist season and in fact, the importance of enabling the diaspora, particularly the strong British clientele that have always come to the island. The lifting of the ban is also against the background of the improved vaccination programme in the UK and the fact that pretty close to 50% of UK residents have received their second dose of vaccinations.”

Jamaica has been open for travel since June of last year, however, as part of the island’s efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19, a travel ban was placed on the United Kingdom.

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