
Cindy Breakspeare supports calls to make Bob Marley a National Hero

by April 9th, 2022

Cindy Breakspeare, the mother of Damian Marley, a son she shared with the late Bob Marley, is supporting a motion to have the Reggae legend named a Jamaican National Hero.

The former Miss World reposted to her official Instagram account, a post shared by the Bob Marley Museum to mark the day Bob received the UN Peace Medal of the Third World in 1978, in the caption, she wrote, “Bob Marley for National Hero… Yes, Yes… A thousand times yes.” The caption was completed with red, yellow, and green heart emojis.

Cindy Breakspeare’s comment comes after fellow Miss World and Member of Parliament Lisa Hanna moved a resolution in parliament for Jamaica to take the necessary steps for the national honour for the Order of National Hero to be conferred on the Honourable Robert Nesta Bob Marley, OM.

Long-time calls for the Reggae legend to be a National Hero were rehashed last year, after Barbados, as the world’s newest republic, honoured global superstar Rihanna with the title of National Hero.

In Jamaica, a national hero is someone who has made significant positive contributions to the growth and development of our society and represents all of us.

Bob Marley’s contributions through music increased the visibility of Jamaica worldwide. Marley also dedicated the bulk of his craft to highlighting and combating injustices, and inequality, as well as giving a voice to the voiceless and promoting peace.

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