
Despite reports of intimidation and allegations of vote buying, East Portland by election incident free

by April 4th, 2019

The consensus among many of the political representatives in East Portland for today’s (Apl 4) by election, is relief, that it was a peaceful activity.

This as there was concern due to recent shooting incidents.

PNP representative Mikael Phillips said the only glitch he was aware of was traffic pile up.

And, JLP representative Dennis Meadows said delays at the polling stations caused frustration.

Meantime, allegations of vote buying in East Portland have not been substantiated.

Political Ombudsman Donna Parchment Brown said she is thankful there was no major incident in the constituency, today.

She added that today’s by election allowed Jamaica to demonstrate the capacity of the electoral office to put on a proper election in support of the country’s democracy.

The Ombudsman urged supporters and officials of the 2 main political parties to respect the results of today’s by election.

And, Chairman of Citizens Action for Free and Fair Elections (CAFFE) Dr. Lloyd Barnett says the organisation received reports of intimidation in East Portland.

Dr. Barnett is among a group of independent observers at the election centre in Port Antonio, who monitored today’s proceedings.

He said CAFFE had 60 observers in the field.


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