
Disunity among PPV stakeholders hindering efforts to get working committee started

by August 3rd, 2023

Disunity among stakeholders in the public transport sector is being cited as the main stumbling block to efforts to get a working committee off the ground.


This, as the operators are yet to meet and reach consensus on issues, they want to bring to the attention of the Transport Minister for redress, as well as some objection to the inclusion of state entities on the working committee.


The committee, which was recently set up by Transport Minister Daryl Vaz, is chaired by Managing Director of the Transport Authority, Ralston Smith.


During a virtual meeting of the Transport Operators Development Sustainable Services (TODSS), last evening, the composition of the committee was discussed at length, with various people giving reasons as to why it has or has not worked.


It was noted that of the 10 transport operators selected to be representatives on the committee, only six turned up for a recent meeting, and as such the meeting was cancelled.


Director of the One Voice taxi group, Oscar Finnikin pointed out that the operators in the public transport sector are splintered, and this lack of unity is hindering their ability to get even the low hanging fruits that Vaz indicated could be resolved.


At the end of talks last night, members agreed to a suggestion by Finnikin that the six interested representatives meet again and compose a letter to be sent to the chairman of the working committee, outlining the concerns.



He urged players in the public transport sector to unite.


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