
Dr Blythe apologises to Simpson Miller

by September 3rd, 2016

People’s National Party Presidential hopeful Dr Karl Blythe has apologised for controversial comments made about party leader Portia Simpson Miller.


In an earlier statement Dr Blythe stated that he was deeply saddened to watch and listen to two interviews given by Mrs Simpson Miller which he says gave the clearest indication why she was not able to enter the national political debate prior to the elections of February 2016.



He adds that his intent is to promote the PNP and ensuring that the renewal process takes place, and he will never destroy the dignity of a comrade who has served the party to the best of her ability, so he is withdrawing the request for a debate.


In subsequent interviews Dr Blythe raised questions about the health of Mrs Simpson Miller based on his observation and in his capacity as a medical doctor.


This has set off a firestorm of criticisms and calls for Dr Blythe to apologise and withdraw the comments.


In a release today (September 3) Dr Blythe says on reflection, he realized that much of those comments were inappropriate.


He is withdrawing those comments and apologise unconditionally and unreservedly to Mrs Simpson Miller, members of her family and all others who, he says are understandably offended by his remarks.

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