
Economic Growth Related To Trained Workforce

by October 31st, 2015

Education Minister, Reverend Ronald Thwaites, says economic growth is related directly to a well-trained workforce.

He says if the country is to grow, then Jamaicans must be technically trained, and be ready to meet the opportunities that will come, through foreign and local investments.

The Education Minister states that many university graduates are finding it difficult to secure employment, because they have not acquired the technical competence, with which to secure a job, despite having a university degree.

He adds that the education sector must now begin to adopt a process of transformation, with a view of correcting deficiencies.


He says potential investors must be approached to determine the skills required for profitability, while ensuring that more Jamaicans are employed.


He was speaking at the opening of the Montego Bay Branch of the Caribbean Maritime Institute at the Montego Bay Free Zone in St James, this week.

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