
Education Ministry probing possible breach of school protocols in kidnapping of 8-year-old Braeton Primary student

by June 9th, 2023

The Education Ministry is taking steps to determine if there were breaches of established protocols, regarding the safety and security of students at the Braeton Primary and Infant School, in St. Catherine.


This, in the wake of the abduction of a grade 2 female student, from the school, yesterday afternoon.


The Ministry says the eight-year-old girl was found by a soldier in Swallowfield, St. Andrew. Her throat had been slashed.


The injured child was taken to the Bustamante Hospital for Children, where she underwent emergency surgery, last night.


Hospital staff took note of the crest on the girls uniform and made contact with the school. The principal then advised the girl’s parents of the incident.


The Ministry says the school employs three regular, and two relief, watchmen. It says the police have since questioned the watchman who was on duty, at the time of the incident.


Meantime, in condemning the attack on the child, Education Minister Fayval Williams has appealed for anyone with information that can assist the police with their investigations, to share such.


She said this is another regrettable, barbaric attack on a vulnerable child. She noted that all citizens have a duty of care for Jamaica’s children, wherever they are, and must do all they can to protect them.


Mrs. Williams also urged members of the public to support the appeal for blood donations, for the injured girl.

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