
Education Ministry’s intention to end bursar paid schools gets backlash from public school bursars

by August 25th, 2022

The announcement from the Education Minister on Wednesday, that bursar paid schools will soon be done away with, has not gone down well with the island’s public school bursars.

Fayval Williams told a Jamaica Teachers Association conference meeting, that payments for teachers at bursar paid schools are a recurring problem, that a comprehensive audit is being undertaken, and that the ministry will soon transition all teachers payment matters centrally, through the ministry.

The announcement has left bursars worried that their job is in jeopardy, as well as made them angry that there was no consultation or prior communication from the education ministry, about its intention.

Bursars are represented by the National Workers Union, NWU.

General Secretary Granville Valentine said several bursars have contacted the union since Wednesday, concerned about their future and the status of their employment.

He chastised the minister for the manner in which the announcement was made.


Mr Valentine is urging bursars to remain calm, as the union will be seeking clarification from the ministry, on the matter.


He added that the bursars feel disrespected by the ministry, especially when they note the irony of the complaint about payment problems.

This as the bursars counter that their payments are made in full, and on time, while centrally paid teachers sometimes have to wait for over 3 months to get their monies.

Mr Valentine said this is not the way public sector workers should be treated, and urged the government to resolve the issue quickly to avoid unrest .


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