
Entertainers join Cockpit Country protest

by September 17th, 2019

It’s time to walk the talk” says Queen Ifrica, who on Tuesday morning, joined scores of residents from areas surrounding the Cockpit Country for a march at the National Heroes Circle, in Kingston, to protest mining in the Cockpit Country.

On Monday Queen Ifrica shared that herself and Tony Rebel attended a meeting at the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET), which revealed that families have been losing family members due to cancer, suspected to be as a result of the mining. Weighing all this information, Ifrica shared that it is time to take it more serious, and encouraged her followers on social media to get onboard for the protest held earlier today.

Ifrica, Tony Rebel and I-Wayne were some of the entertainers present for the protest at the National Heroes Circle, in Kingston. The entertainers also provided protesters with mini-performances.

For several weeks, Queen Ifrica has been very vocal on the issue, along with fellow entertainers Bounty Killer, and Spragga Benz. Their voices have since resulted in a meeting with Prime Minister Andrew Holness.

The issue of mining in the cockpit country continues to raise eyebrows amongst environmentalist, despite the government’s continued stance that no mining will take place.

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