
Evon Redman’s Candidacy Ratified

by September 26th, 2015

Businessman Evon Redman was this afternoon (September 26, 2015) ratified as the People’s National Party’s standard bearer for North East St. Elizabeth.

He was selected in a yes/no ratification exercise at the Santa Cruz Primary and Junior High School in St. Elizabeth.

Voting began at 10:00a.m. and lasted over four hours.

Delegates endured long lines but the process was peaceful.

467 delegates voted with more than 70% of the votes going in Redman’s favour.

339 voted yes for Redman while 127 voted no and one ballot was spoilt.

There were 915 eligible delegates.

Following his success Redman, flanked by scores of supporters, thank them for the victory.

He also says he will moving to do a number of things in the constituency including drain cleaning.

In addition, Redman extended an olive branch to those who voted against him.

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