
Female entertainers react to teen beaten and stabbed by women

by November 13th, 2020

Dancehall deejays Cecile and Shauna Controlla are among the many social media users seeking justice for a 17-year-old girl who is currently hospitalized and on life support after being beaten and stabbed by six adult females.

The incident that occurred on November 7, allegedly at an illegal party, has caused outrage among social media users.

On Instagram, Cecile wrote, in part, “This is a terrible part of who we are. There is so much anger and hate. I see it every day on social media. Verbal abuse being dished out for NO REASON but to be mean. Praying that this young lady makes it through and that the ones responsible WILL be held accountable.”

Meanwhile, Shauna Controlla said she will continue to post on social media and speak out until the six women involved are brought to justice.

17-year-old Kaylan Dowdie, a past student of the Papine High School, is currently on life support at the University Hospital of the West Indies (UHWI) after she was beaten by a group of women last Saturday night along Barbican Road.

Police investigations continue, while five of the women accused of the assault are still at large.

One of the women reportedly turned herself into police. She was allegedly accompanied by her attorney.

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