
Film maker accuses the IOC) of doing “backroom deals” with Moscow

by January 12th, 2018

The film-makers behind the documentary which exposed Russia’s state-sponsored doping programme have accused the International Olympic Committee (IOC) of doing “backroom deals” with Moscow ahead of next month’s winter games in South Korea.

In December, the IOC banned Russia’s Olympic committee from taking part in the games in Pyeongchang. The IOC also disqualified 43 Russian athletes following a report by the World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA) which revealed a massive doping operation at the 2014 Sochi Olympics, masterminded by Russian president Vladimir Putin’s FSB spy agency.

The whistleblower who exposed the programme, Dr Grigory Rodchenkov, is currently in witness protection in the US his testimony played a key role in the IOC’s decision to ban Russia, and was subsequently confirmed by several forensic investigations.

42 Russians are now appealing their Olympic bans. Their cases are due to be heard by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) on January 22, and a decision is expected by January 31 – nine days before the games open.


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