
FINALLY! Sports get greenlight – MCGES

by February 6th, 2021

The greenlight has finally been given for the resumption of sports across the island as the Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, says provision for the resumption of sporting activities has been included in the disaster risk management enforcement measures.

The Minister says that now that the order has made provision for sports events, sports bodies including the JAAA, boxing, swimming and others should resubmit their applications — no longer asking for exemption, but to stage their events, including training sessions, under the provisions of this new order.

The order mandates that sports events may be held only at venues that are enclosed by perimeter fencing; where there is access to proper sanitary conveniences; and at places that are conducive to appropriate security measures.

Minister Grange emphasises that “no spectator will be allowed at sports competitions or training sessions at this time.

She says each sporting activity must involve “regular cleaning of gear and equipment and the taking of the temperature of all athletes, coaches and officials who must be the only people allowed at the sports event.”

Each person at a sport event must wear a mask, except when participating in any strenuous activity or water activity, and the person shall change the mask at least every four hours or upon the mask becoming wet.

The order also mandates that there shall be no unnecessary contact between persons (such as hugging, high-fives or touching) and personal items such as water bottles or towels shall not be shared.

Minister Grange has urged sports officials and athletes to become familiar with the rules for the resumption of sports and to follow them scrupulously as they are designed to keep everyone safe.

She says there will be consequences where the rules are not followed.

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