
Flooding cause $80 m loss for agriculture sector

by May 15th, 2018

Recent heavy rains have resulted in losses for the agriculture sector of nearly $80 m.

Ten parishes were affected by landslides and flooding between May 4 and May 7.

An assessment by the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) indicates that just over $76 m dollars in damage was recorded.

Agriculture Minister Audley Shaw says chicken farmers were the worst affected.


The Agriculture Minister says the government is committed to assisting the small farmers who were hard hit as a result of the weather.

One million dollars will be allocated to rural constituencies to assist farmers.

Meanwhile, Opposition Spokesman on Agriculture Dr. Fenton Ferguson has called for assistance for fishers.

Dr. Ferguson says those who depend on the sea for their livelihood, are no less affected by heavy rains.

Dr. Ferguson, while welcoming the allotment for the various constituencies, added that a cumulative approach must be taken, especially as it relates to the infrastructure.


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