
Gear For Fire-fighters

by August 15th, 2015

Government is taking steps to ensure that fire-fighters have sufficient protective gear at their disposal, when responding to emergencies.

This was announced by State Minister in the Ministry of Local Government, Collin Fagan, during his visit to a hospital where three injured fire-fighters are recovering.


Minister of State in the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development, Colin Fagan

The fire-fighters were injured in the line of duty last Monday.

They, along with other fire-fighters, responded to a fire at a house on Olympic Way in Kingston and while moving a gas cylinder after extinguishing the blaze the container exploded.

The men received first and second degree burns to different areas of their bodies, including their faces, arms and legs.

A statement from The Ministry yesterday (August 14, 2015) says when Mr Fagan, who has responsibility for The Jamaica Fire Brigade, visited the men he was pleased to hear reports that all three are on their way to full recovery.

The Minister said he was particularly pleased to see and hear of the progress of one of the fire-fighters, who was the most affected by the incident.

He remains in intensive care at the Kingston Public Hospital.

While his case is not considered critical, he is at a delicate stage in the recovery process and continues to require close attention.

While expressing appreciation to the hospital staff, The State Minister pointed out that the incident serves as a timely reminder of the inherent dangers of the fire-fighting job, as well as the reality that greater investment is needed in service equipment and personnel.

Mr Fagan says despite fiscal constraints The Ministry is working to ensure that the Fire Brigade has the tools and manpower required.

He says government is dedicated in efforts this financial year to purchasing more fire equipment including a fire boat, ambulances and water tankers, as well as building new fire stations in St. Thomas, St. James and St. Mary.

He says government also wants to ensure that fire-fighters have sufficient protective gear at their disposal and that he will be working with the leadership of The Brigade to address this matter.

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