
Govt declares boundaries for Cockpit Country

by November 21st, 2017

Prime Minister, Andrew Holness has declared the boundaries of the Cockpit Country, that will be protected under the law.

Mr. Holness says, the area to be protected, will include existing forest reserves, significant hydro-logical and eco-logical features, and cultural and heritage sites.

He says, this area comprises close to 75,000 hectares, and will be referred to, as the cockpit country protected area.

This area will be protected under specific legislation, as advised by the attorney general.

The Prime Minister says, the Cabinet in determining the boundaries, took certain factors into account.

These include the closed broadleaf forest cover/primary forest, the rich bio-diversity, the hydrology and important historical, cultural sites.

The Prime Minister says, a detailed description of the boundary of the cockpit country and the cockpit country protected area as recognized by the state, will be provided by the Forestry Department.

Meantime, the government has declared that no mining will be permitted in the cockpit country protected area.

In this regard, Mr. Holness says the Mining Act and any existing mining licenses will be amended to close these areas to mining.

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