
Healthcare System Needs Systematic Improvements

by November 9th, 2015

The Medical Association of Jamaica (MAJ) says the health audit report released by the Ministry of Health on Friday paints a picture of a healthcare system that is underfunded and or poorly managed and in dire need of systematic improvements.

In a release issued today, MAJ President, Myrton Smith says the report confirms the complaints that were made by medical representatives and health care workers.

The MAJ says the report shows outmoded physical infrastructure with dilapidated doors and dim operating theatre lights.

It highlights the shortages of equipment and supplies such as drugs, gowns, utility gloves, cleaning agents and lack of critical machines.

The release also says there is a lack of evidence of regular training of health care personnel in the standards of infection prevention and control.

In the meantime the MAJ says the University Hospital of the West Indies should have been included in the audit.

The MAJ adds that the terms of reference of the audit were unclear adding that the team at the Southern Regional Health Authority described the instructing letter as vague.

It says this particular audit focused on infection control, but other issues need to be examined if the sector is to be improved.

Meanwhile the MAJ also pointed out that there are some positive aspects identified within the audits that can give Jamaicans hope.

Among them, the fact that the Health Ministry has established and documented standards that should govern good practices in public health facilities.

Another positive highlighted refers to improvements and changes that have already been implemented or were in the process of being implemented by the regional health authorities to address some of the deficiencies.

Going forward the MAJ is suggesting that funds be allocated to provide basic supplies for hand washing and sanitation.

It also suggested that the staff in all hospitals and health centres undergo retraining on infection control measures.

The MAJ is also hoping that newly appointed Health Minister, Horace Dalley will begin his return to this ministry on the right footing.

It further states that no minister can succeed in this ministry without the support of the workers in the sector.

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