
Home of second boy accused of killing Raven Wilson torched

by December 10th, 2018

The police in St. Ann’s Bay, St. Ann are investigating another suspected case of arson believed to be connected to the murder of 14 year old Raven Wilson.

This after the home of the second boy arrested in relation to the girl’s murder was set on fire, last night (Dec 9).

Some days ago, the home of the first boy was also set ablaze.

Both homes have now been destroyed.

No one was injured in either incident, as it’s reported that the occupants had moved out of the homes some time ago, and only go to the premises occasionally.

Irate persons had threatened to burn the homes of the 2 accused boys and police had gone to the community to discourage acts of reprisal and also keep a presence in the area.

Residents claim that in recent days the police presence faltered and alleged arsonists used the opportunity to strike.

In last night’s incident, residents reported seeing fire coming from the 2 bedroom board house and summoned the fire brigade and police.

But by the time the fire fighters got there, the building was already engulfed in flames.

Police remain tightlipped on the matter only stating that the arson incidents are being investigated.

The 14-year-old school girl, was found dead in bushes in her community of Top Road, St. Ann’s Bay, on Sunday October 21, after being reported missing, two days earlier.

Following investigations, two 14 year old boys were arrested.

One is facing a murder charge, while the other is charged with accessory to the fact.


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