
Industrial Action Looms

by May 23rd, 2015

There could be disruptions in the education sector following the midterm break as teachers move to take any action to press the government over their wage claim.

Teachers wore black for several days beginning May 1, to show their displeasure with the pace of wage talks.

The central executive of the Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA), yesterday passed a resolution for the taking of all actions deemed necessary to ensure that the demands of the teachers regarding an improved wage offer are met.

The resolution comes after the government failed to communicate to the teachers, a response to its wage claim following a meeting two weeks ago with Public Service Minister, Horace Dalley.

Public Service Minister, Horace Dalley

Public Service Minister, Horace Dalley

The government has so far offered the teachers a 5% increase on basic salary over two years; 3% in year one and 2% in year 2, which has been rejected by the central executive of the JTA.

President of the JTA, Doran Dixon says the ball is now in the court of the government to prevent any disruption.

JTA President, Doran DIxon

JTA President, Doran DIxon


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