
Integrity Commission recommends that St. Ann Municipal Corporation CEO, Rovel Morris repay funds and face sanctions for authorizing installation of charging port for former mayor’s electric vehicle

by January 19th, 2022

In the wake of a probe into the controversial installation of a charging port at the St. Ann Municipal Corporation, Chief Executive Officer, Rovel Morris has been referred to the relevant authorities for application of sanctions and recovery of funds.

The matter stems from a request made by Former Mayor of St. Ann’s Bay Michael Belnavis to Mr. Morris, for the port to be installed, in order to charge Mr. Belnavis personal electric car.

The Integrity Commission has concluded that Mr. Belnavis abused his office and that Mr. Morris, being the accountable officer, breached legislation and regulations.

In a report tabled in Parliament yesterday (January 18), the commission noted that the source of funds utilized for the installation of the port was that of the St. Ann Municipal Corporation and that the device was powered by energy sourced by the corporation, from the Jamaica Public Service.

The commission also noted that the request that the port be installed for use by both Mr. Belnavis’ vehicle and the corporation’s Ocho Rios clamping vehicle, was mis-leading.

This as, when the memorandum was issued, consideration for the clamping vehicle had not yet been made by the corporation.

The commission noted further that while Mr. Belnavis reimbursed the Municipal Corporation, the over $78,000 paid to the contractor for installation of the port, the reimbursement does not disavow the irregularity of the payment by the corporation, in the first instance.

It added that Mr. Morris, by his authorization of the installation and subsequent payment for the port for the personal use of Mr. Belnavis, breached the Financial Administration and Audit Act as well as the Public Bodies Management and Accountability Act.

Following on its conclusions, the Integrity Commission has recommended that the Financial Secretary, determine a reasonable sum to be recovered from Mr. Morris in relation to the electricity consumed for the charging of Mr. Belnavis’ personal vehicle, while the charging port facility was connected to the electricity supply of the St. Ann Municipal Corporation.

The commission also recommended that the Attorney General look into the matter, with a view to apply the necessary sanctions against Mr. Morris, for breaching the Public Bodies Management and Accountability Act.

Another recommendation is for the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Local Government, to begin disciplinary proceedings against Mr. Morris, for the breaches committed.

The commission further recommended, that the accountable officer of the St. Ann Municipal Corporation ensure scrupulous compliance with relevant legislation, policies and guidelines which govern the disbursement of public funds.

It said Mr. Morris must also develop and enforce policies and mechanism to dissuade the use of public funds for private and personal benefit, and to ensure proper stewardship of public funds.

Mr. Morris is also being asked to immediately desist from authorizing and/or causing the authorization, of the expenditure of public funds for personal use, as such authorization is inconsistent with the law.

In the meantime, the Integrity Commission has raised concern that the total cost of ownership of the charging port, remains unascertained, primarily the cost of consumption of electricity.

It said in circumstances where it is discovered that a breach has occurred in the acquisition of goods, works and services, and specifically where public funds have been inappropriately disbursed, appropriate action should immediately be taken, to recover the funds.

The commission further urged political representatives and other holders of public office, to desist from making requests of accountable officers, which require them to deploy public resources, for their personal use.

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