
Jamaica remains the 63rd best nation in the world according FIFA Coca Cola World rankings

by June 30th, 2023

Jamaica remains as the 63rd best nation in the world according to the latest release of the FIFA Coca Cola World rankings.

The reggae boys held firm onto the spot, remaining as the sixth best team in Concacaf and top nation in the Caribbean.

Newly crowned nations league champions the United States has moved up two places to number 11 to be the top ranked team in Concacaf ahead of Mexico who moves up to 14th.

Costa Rica at 42, Canada at 45th and Panama at 57th round out the top five Concacaf nations.

Nearly three months on from regaining top spot Argentina remain out front thanks to friendly wins over Australia and Indonesia. 

The top three is also unchanged, with the reigning world champions staying ahead of France second and Brazil third.

There has been movement behind them with England up to 4th, Belgium up to 5th, Croatia 6th and Netherlands dropping to 7th.

Italy, Portugal and Spain round out the top 10.

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