
Jamaicans held in US ICE raids in New Jersey

by June 10th, 2017

Alleged Jamaican criminals are among 113 persons held during ice raids in New Jersey, in the United States this week.

According to reports from the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement website, the enforcement and removal operations, Newark field office arrested 113 criminal targets during an operation between June 5 and 9, as part of the agency’s on-going public safety and national security efforts.

The operation was supported by the US Customs and border protection’s New Jersey field office, the New Jersey state parole office, and ICE homeland security investigations.

The report says all of the targets in this operation were criminal in nature. 93% of those arrested were convicted criminals, and 87% of them had prior felony convictions.

The individuals arrested throughout New Jersey were nationals of 33 countries, including the Caribbean territories of Jamaica, Trinidad, Dominican Republic and Cuba.

These individuals range from age 18 to 74 years old, and were all previously convicted of a variety of offenses.

Some of the convictions include; sexual assault on a minor, child abuse, possession of narcotics, distribution of narcotics, robbery, trespassing, damage to property, d-u-i, crimes against person, fraud, sex offense against a child/fondling, threaten to kill, sexual exploitation of a minor, domestic violence, battery, theft of u-s government property, possession of a weapon, illegal use of credit cards, burglary, larceny, aggravated assault and illegal re-entry.

ICE says it is focused on smart, effective immigration enforcement that targets serious criminal aliens, who present the greatest risk to the security of communities.

In 2016, ICE conducted over 240 thousand removals. Over ninety percent of individuals removed from the interior of the United States had previously been convicted of a criminal offense.

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