
JOA Renews Starlight Partnership

by July 1st, 2021

The Jamaica Olympic Association (JOA) and event production and management company Starlight Productions have renewed their partnership for another three years.

The value of the sponsorship from Starlight Production is to the tune of $15 million dollars broken down into cash and kind.

Both parties entered into an original agreement in 2018 and this renewal will go up until the 2024 Olympics – This will see Starlight Productions being responsible for all marketing and promotions activities of the JOA or where they serve as title sponsor for events of its member associations.

Director of Starlight Productions Dean Shepherd says this partnerships fits squarely into the aims and objectives of the organization.

President of the JOA Christopher Samuda pointed out that the partnership between themselves and Starlight is a very important one.

JOA President Christopher Samuda

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