
Labour Market Informational Portal Launched

by May 24th, 2015

The Heart Trust National Training Agency (NTA) this week launched its Labour Market Informational Portal (LMIP), which is an online platform aimed at increasing public access to labour market information.

The interactive portal provides extensive labour market information on the Jamaican labour force, employment, skills in demand and surplus and labour force trends.

Heart says the portal also features a skills bank and that the next phase will incorporate real time job vacancies, careering matching and career explorer support services.

Senior Director for Information Systems and Technical Services at the Heart Trust/NTA, Colin Barnett says the agency conducts on-going labour market research and analysis to determine market current and emerging needs, which is used to guide programme development and delivery in the national training system.

He says the portal is the first phase of an initiative to make labour market intelligence readily available to the entire education and training system.

The features of the portal were highlighted at the Heart booth at the 33rd staging of the annual Jamaica Employers’ Federation (JEF) conference in Montego Bay, St James on Thursday (May 21,2015).

The Labour Market Information Portal may access via the Heart Trust/NTA website.

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