
Lower Electricity Bills

by December 13th, 2015

Consumers are to see further reductions in their electricity bills at the end of this month.

According to Energy Minister Phillips Paulwell, the reduction is due to continued falls in the price of oil on the world market and the government’s policy of giving the benefits to consumers.

Currently electricity is priced at US 24¢ per kilowatt-hour to the consumer but The Minister contends that the price can go down to US 18¢ or US 15¢.

He says the government will ensure that reductions continue through its pursuit of clean and renewable energy, such as solar and wind.

Mr Paulwell says with the lowering of electricity rates, the country will be better able to compete with its regional and other partners, in the production of goods for export and consumption.

He says the current administration will seize the momentum being created by the fall of oil prices and whatever is gained form that it will also be used to build other energy industries for a secure energy sector, where the price does not fluctuate as has happened in the past and which resulted in instability in the Jamaica’s economy.

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