
Media Literacy Programme

by November 29th, 2015

The Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica has announced its intent to embark on a Media Literacy Programme, dubbed “A Virtual Academy”.

Executive Director of the Broadcasting Commission, Cordel Green says this is in a bid to fulfil the rapid transitions in traditional media, including online.

Executive Director of the Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica, Cordel Green

Executive Director of the Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica, Cordel Green



Mr Green states that the virtual academy will be launched in the 2016/2017 Financial Year.



He was speaking during the UNESCO Forum of ­Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Media Partners, held ­at the Hilton Rose Hall Hotel in St James on Thursday, November 26, 2015.

The Forum formed part of UNESCO’s recognition of National Journalism Week.

It was aimed at promoting media diversity and freedom of expression by bringing together CARICOM broadcasters, journalists and mainstream media with interests in development matters.

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