
Millions lost due to non payment of amusement fees

by October 15th, 2017

Kingston’s Mayor Delroy Williams says the municipality has taken steps to stop the loss of millions of dollars in amusement fees, primarily due to non payment by large companies, which host parties every week.

Several promoters are reportedly hosting events without the proper permits and others are being crafty in the evasion of paying fees.

Mayor Williams says the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) loses close to $2 m on a monthly basis, from events and companies which continuously under-pay for advertising and permits.

He adds that the KSAMC has seen a decrease of half a million dollars in revenue over the last three years.

The mayor says many small scale party promoters comply with the requirements, but the large scale promoters, who know the regulations, deliberately flout them.

He says the municipality has identified the delinquent promoters and companies, and has started dialogue with them, as a first recourse to resolving the issue.

The Mayor says if the promoters and companies do not comply then the KSAMC will go to the next step, which is legal action.

Mayor Williams says the loss of revenue is adversely affecting the KSAMC’s ability to carry out some core functions, as it relates to infrastructure projects, the municipal police force, markets, roadways and drains.

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