
Missing Children’s Support Programme

by November 12th, 2015

Hear The Children’s Cry and its Jamaica Yellow Pages-sponsored Missing Children’s Support Programme, are now members in the online Global Missing Children’s Network (GMCN).

Jamaica is the first in the Caribbean to join the online network and the 24th country to join worldwide.

The network is hosted by The International Centre For Missing and Exploited Children and includes law enforcement and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) working on missing children issues, including prevention, investigation and recovery.

Founder of Hear The Children’s Cry, Betty-Ann Blaine says the network will now allow photographs of missing children to be seen on the global network.



She says this network has the potential to save the lives of missing children who may have been trafficked to other countries.

Jamaica being a member of the network will provide benefits such as training in the use of the GMCN website and related technical and practical assistance.

Additionally, it will provide the country with assistance in awareness building on the issue of missing children targeted to government, law enforcement, NGOs and other stakeholders when necessary.

The address of the new interactive Hear The Children’s Cry website is hearthechildrencryja.com.

This was announced at a press conference yesterday (November 11, 2015) hosted by Jamaica Yellow Pages at its 48 Constant Spring Road, Corporate Area Headquarters.

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