
“Mother of All Bandulu”: Bunting on used cars for cops

by April 18th, 2017

Opposition Spokesman on National Security, Peter Bunting, has labelled the government’s procurement of used cars for the police force as the Mother of all Bandulu.

Speaking in parliament this afternoon (Apl 18), Mr. Bunting chastised National Security Minister, Robert Montague, for the decision to purchase used cars.

Mr. Bunting states, that senior cops have reported continued complaints from officers who drive the cars, citing their unsuitability.

He says he could not find another example of another police service in the world, with a policy to purchase all used vehicles, not even in countries poorer than Jamaica.

The Opposition spokesman also raised questions about the payment of over $200 m to an entity with principals of ill repute, to source the used cars.

Mr. Bunting accused Mr. Montague of breaking things in the ministry that were already fixed.

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