
Motorist shot after hitting cop with vehicle

by January 29th, 2017

A constable assigned to the ST James Division was injured by a motorist on the Bogue Main Road in ST James yesterday.

Police say this occurred,  after the motorist allegedly disobeyed the signal to stop given by  police  in Hanover.

The driver who is from Green Island, Hanover has  been hospitalized under police guard, after its alleged he attempted  to hit another officer with the motorcar and was  shot and wounded.

Reports from the Montego Bay Police are that about 5:45 p.m., two constables were on duty in Hopewell District, Hanover when they observed a green Toyota corolla motorcar being driven in what police say was a careless and dangerous manner.

One of the officers signalled the driver of the motor vehicle to stop, however he allegedly disobeyed and proceeded in the direction of ST James.

The vehicle was pursued by the team who also sent out an emergency alert to have the vehicle intercepted.

A unit from the ST James Division responded and a vehicular check point was setup along the Bogue Main Road.

Its further alleged that the driver again disobeyed a signal to stop,  using the vehicle to hit the officer. According to police , he proceeded to run over a second officer who discharged his firearm in defense of his life.

The  injured officer and the wounded motorist  were taken to hospital where the constable was treated, and the man admitted in stable condition.

Police say the motor vehicle was not insured and its fitness was expired.

Cops say the driver will be questioned , after which he will be charged.


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