
Movement Restricted During May 2010 Security Forces Operation In West Kingston

by November 25th, 2015

Former Public Defender, Earl Witter says there was no freedom of movement of civilians around Tivoli Gardens up to May 27, 2010, days after the police/military operation in the area.

Mr Witter says keeping persons confined for the long period by the Security Forces was severe and unwarranted for the Tivoli Gardens community.

He adds that in a letter copied to then Prime Minister, Bruce Golding on May 27, 2010 he outlined the situation.

Mr Witter says it was after the letter to Mr Golding that ease of restrictions was allowed, enabling freedom of movement of civilians.

Mr Witter is testifying at the Commission of Enquiry at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Downtown, Kingston this morning (November 25, 2015).

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