
New Fumigation Facility

by June 7th, 2015

Exporters in central Jamaica, now have a fumigation facility, to process agricultural produce, at The Jam-Island Processing Company in Manchester.

Agriculture Minister, Derrick Kellier, says the plant was approved by the US Department of Agriculture and the Jamaican Plant Quarantine Inspection Branch, and will further increase the country’s export capacity.

Minister of Agriculture & Fisheries, Derrick Kellier

Minister of Agriculture & Fisheries, Derrick Kellier

Fumigation is a method of pest control, which completely fills an area with gaseous pesticides, to suffocate, or poison the pests within.

Mr Kellier says, the facility will aid in the efficient handling of produce for the export market, as prior to the plant’s operation, exporters outside of Kingston had to travel into The Corporate Area, to have their produce fumigated.

He says transportation costs will be reduced with the new facility in place, and this will add to more production time.


He was addressing a forum in St Catherine this week.

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