
NIA calls for clarification on Political Ombudsman role

by July 25th, 2023

The National Integrity Action (NIA) is urging the government to clarify and expedite the new arrangements that are intended for the role formerly played by the Office of the Political Ombudsman.


Since former ombudsman, Donna Parchment Brown, demitted office last year, no one has been appointed to the office.


The call for an update on the post follows public outcry about a comment made by Opposition Leader Mark Golding about the ballots of dead voters being counted in the next general election.


The NIA, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and human rights lobby group Jamaicans for Justice have called for the statement to be clarified and / or retracted.


However, Mr. Golding said his comment, meant as humour, was misconstrued.


Considering this, the NIA said the government must give an update on the Office of the Political Ombudsman, especially as the electoral season approaches.


It said the office has proven to be of great value when politicians cross any of the lines that would suggest disregard for the rules of free and fair elections.


It is also urging the JLP and PNP to work together to facilitate the entrenchment of the electoral commission, into the constitution.

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