
Opposition calls on Government to clarify auxiliary fee issue

by August 30th, 2018

Opposition spokesman on Education Reverend Ronald Thwaites has called on the government to clarify contradictory statements regarding auxiliary fees.

Speaking at a press conference today (Aug 30), Reverend Thwaites pointed to an announcement made recently that public sector workers will not have to pay auxiliary fees to schools.

Reverent Thawites questioned how the workers were to be exempted from a fee that does not exist, if, as per the government decree some months ago, auxiliary fees were abolished.

He urged government to ensure that it pays over to schools, the funds that would have been given by the public sector parents.

And, the Opposition spokesman on education has lamented that neither the state nor parents can foot the total bill for educating a child, without partnership.

The spokesman was commenting against the background of the need for payment of auxiliary fees, and claims by the government that some parents have been exempted from paying the fee.

At a press conference today, Reverend Thwaites said that despite an increase, the government’s subventions to schools is not enough.

He noted that to send a child to secondary school costs over $50,000 while a primary student is about $40,000.


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