
Opposition chastises NWC about its poor management

by December 28th, 2018

Opposition Spokesman on Water Ian Hayles has chastised the National Water Commission (NWC) for what he calls poor management in the wake of water problems being experienced by customers in several parishes.

Mr. Hayles also called on the responsible government minister to provide the commission with the necessary resources, so that the entity can supply the commodity to its customers.

The spokesman’s comments come in the wake of reports that the NWC has to schedule water supply for sections of the Corporate Area, due to regular piped supply being impacted by unrepairable breaks on the Ferry water supply pipeline and a combination of other issues on the network.

Mr. Hayles said nearly one million NWC customers in at least 5 parishes, are experiencing water issues.

He lambasted the government for dismantling the Rapid Response Unit, which he said would have been able to assist in alleviating the water issues of customers.

Mr. Hayles also raised concern about the rate hike request of the NWC which he said will further aggravate the situation.

He chastised the water company for taking what he calls a lackadaisical approach to the crisis.

Meantime, the National Water Commission has implemented a scheduled supply arrangement in the Corporate Area, to distribute water more evenly.

This in a bid to improve the distribution of water into scores of communities being impacted by unrepairable breaks on its Ferry water supply pipeline and a combination of other issues on its network..

The commission says under the new supply system NWC customers in the affected communities will be supplied with piped water during scheduled times until the situation is rectified.

It notes that areas affected will experience reduced water supply outside of scheduled times.

The NWC says major breaks have occurred on the existing Ferry/Mandela transmission pipeline, as well as frequent breaks on pipelines along Constant Spring Road, as a result of ongoing road construction works.


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