
Opposition Questions Timing Of IMF Relaxing Primary Surplus Target

by November 15th, 2015

Opposition Spokesman on Finance, Audley Shaw, in welcoming the lowering of the Primary Surplus Target under the Economic Reform Programme of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Opposition Spokesman on Finance, Audley Shaw

Opposition Spokesman on Finance, Audley Shaw

However, Mr Shaw says the timing of this concession by the IMF curiously coincides with the eve of General Elections here in Jamaica.

He says while, the opposition welcomes a lowering of the Primary Surplus Target, the relaxation has the potential to free up the government to embark on an election spending spree.

The Opposition Spokesman says in these circumstances, Minister of Finance, Dr Peter Phillips must be absolutely transparent in explaining how this money will be spent.

Finance Minister, Dr Peter Phillips

Finance Minister, Dr Peter Phillips

He emphasised that the Finance Minister could start by granting funds to the Ministry of Health to ensure adequate sanitation in hospitals, thereby avoiding further outbreaks of infectious diseases.

Mr Shaw adds that more funds should be allocated for public cleansing, for the repair the hundreds of police vehicles out of service, to support parents who cannot afford high school auxiliary fees, for the improvement of water supply systems, and for a proper road maintenance programme.

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