
Opposition Senators denounce corrupt practices by public officials

by March 22nd, 2019

Opposition Senator K D Knight has denounced public officials who continue to engage in corrupt practices, specifically the illicit use of government money for their personal benefit.

Speaking in the Senate today (Mar 22) Knight chastised unnamed officials for appropriating tax payers money for personal gain.

In making reference to the ruling party’s rhetoric that a new Jamaica is emerging as a result of the financial policies being put forward, Senator Knight noted that a new Jamaica cannot emerge until corruption is eradicated.

He reiterated that public funds must be used to uplift the country and its citizens.

Senator Knight noted that corruption is against the principle of good governance.

He warned public officers entrusted with the affairs of the country to take what he calls, their ‘sticky fingers off tax payers’ money.

Senator Knight lamented that those politicians who engage in corruption, paint a negative picture for those who uphold the tenets of good governance.

Meantime, Opposition Senators have called on parliamentarians to not condone wrongdoing by their colleagues.

Speaking in the senate today, Knight urged his colleagues to become whistle blowers, and to uphold the integrity of both houses of parliament.

Senator Knight noted that his call is not in light of any immediate circumstances, but based on the obligations of members of the house, regardless of party affiliations.


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