
Opposition Welcomes Juror Allowance Increase

by July 3rd, 2015

The Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), has welcomed government’s announcement that there has been a 300% increase in the allowance for people serving as jurors.

The Justice Ministry says the juror allowance has been increased from $500 to $2,000 per day.

Opposition Spokesman on Justice, Delroy Chuck says this is an increase, which should have been implemented some time ago.

Mr Chuck says he believes that the sum of $2,000 will take care of the travelling and lunch expenses of most jurors.

However, he says his major concern is that this money should be made available to those jurors who have served within a reasonable time after their period of service.



When asked if he believes more people would be inclined to serve as jurors in light of the allowance increase, Mr Chuck says he does not believe that the question of people serving as jurors has to do with the allowance.

He says unfortunately, far too many people in the society are not willing to serve as jurors, because they anticipate various problems in terms of offenders or their families interfering with them in one way or another.

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