
PAC questions logic behind plans to open public transport routes

by June 19th, 2018

The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament has questioned the announced liberalisation of the public transport system, and the effects it will have on the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC).


Transport Minister Robert Montague announced that all routes will be opened up to allow more players in the system.


Opposition Member of the PAC Fitz Jackson questioned the wisdom of the approach, given the current affairs of the bus company.



Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport, Dr. Alwyn Hayles, says persons who want to operate on the route, will have to apply to the JUTC for a licence.



Dr. Hayles says hackney carriages are posing a problem for the bus company.



Meantime, the plan to merge the Island Traffic Authority and the Transport Authority is moving ahead.

The plan to merge the two entities forms a critical pillar of the new Road Traffic Act, which speaks to greater efficiencies.


Dr. Hayles said the merger is still on.



Opposition Member Mikael Phillips pressed for a time line for the implementation of the merger.


He stated that it would make no sense for the Road Traffic Act to be promulgated without the new entity being in place, as it would play a key role in ensuring the smooth implementation of the act.


Dr. Hayles said that process will happen in sync.




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