
PNP NEC to examine membership application of Gordon Webley

by July 27th, 2015

The application for membership to the People’s National Party by former Jamaica Labour Party member, Joan Gordon Webley, is to be further examined, by the party’s executive committee.

This decision was taken, at the P-N-P’s National Executive Council, N-E-C meeting at the weekend.

PNP General Secretary Paul Burke told Irie F-M News that the matter of Ms Gordon-Webley’s membership was discussed at the NEC on Saturday and that a number of members had concerns.

As a result, the issue was refereed back to the executive committee.

That committee will report to the N-E-C at its meeting in September.

Some members of the PNP have publicly and strongly opposed the decision of the executive committee to approve the membership application of the former JLP member.

Approval came on July 6. The party says this was by a clear and decisive majority of the members of the executive committee.

The P-N-P General Secretary clarifies that the N.E.C did not reject Gordon-Webly’s membership. Mr Burke adds that all membership in the PNP is provisional for the first seven months.

As such he says her application was approved for provisional membership.

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