
PNP objects to Govts plan to put Manley with Seaga on new bank note

by March 15th, 2022

The Peoples National Party has strongly objected to plans by the government to have 2 PNP former leaders share space with their JLP political rivals, on proposed new and re-designed bank notes.


PNP President and Opposition Leader Mark Golding has chastised the Jamaica Labour Party government for failing to consult with the PNP before coming to parliament with the announcement on the matter, describing the move as disrespectful.


Last week, Finance Minister Dr. Nigel Clarke announced that a new $2,000 note will be created, featuring former prime ministers Edward Seaga of the JLP and Michael Manley of the PNP.


Additionally, the $1,000 note will be redesigned, with images of National Heroes Sir Alexander Bustamante of the JLP and Norman Washington Manley of the PNP, appearing on it together.


In reacting to the issue, during in his budget debate presentation today, the opposition leader said, the $1,000 note should remain as it is now, with Michael Manley’s image alone.



Mr. Golding said new bank notes at this time of economic crisis will not help vulnerable citizens survive.


He said the approach taken by the JLP government is devoid of love, truth, respect and understanding.


Mr. Golding criticized the JLP for attempting to rewrite history.



Meantime, Prime Minister Andrew Holness has assured that his relationship with Mr. Seaga, at no time, had any bearing on the decision to put Seaga on the bank note.



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