
Police Awaiting Gov’t Response To Wage Claim

by May 23rd, 2015

The Police Federation is awaiting government’s response to its 50-point wage claim before deciding on its next course of action.

At a marathon meeting on Thursday, involving representatives of The Police Federation, and Minister with Responsibility for the Public Service, Horace Dalley, it was stated that a written statement will be forthcoming next week.

Public Service Minister, Horace Dalley

Public Service Minister, Horace Dalley

Mr Dalley has publicly stated, that the government is not in a position to give more than the 5% wage increase, that is currently on offer to public servants.

Several public sector groups, including the police have already rejected that offer, indicating that after a wage restraint, the figure is woefully inadequate.

Chairman of the police federation, Sergeant Raymond Wilson, says the parties went through the claim line by line


Sergeant Raymond Wilson

Sergeant Raymond Wilson


Sergeant Wilson says, the delegates will be asked, to state clearly the stance that will be taken, in response to the government’s offer, when they meet at conference, next week.


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