
Police Federation Chairman loses reinstatement bid

by August 3rd, 2023

Police Federation Chairman Corporal Rohan James has lost his bid to be re-instated with immediate effect, following his interdiction by the police high command.


Corporal James will however receive 99% of his salary, instead of the two thirds that is paid to persons on interdiction.


In a decision this morning, Supreme Court judge Justice Carolyn Tie Powell ruled in favour of the arguments that were advanced by ACP Andrew Lewis, on behalf of the police high command, through his attorneys, Peter Champagnie, Neco Pagon and Richard Lynch.


At the outset, Champagnie and his team indicated that their client had no objection to the federation chairman’s disciplinary hearing being put on hold, pending his bid to be allowed to pursue judicial review, but there should be no re-instatement.


The judge agreed with Champagnie and team that there was no basis for re-instatement.


However, the stay of the disciplinary hearing was granted until the application for leave to go to the judicial review court is heard.


Meantime, regarding the application for the judge to recuse herself, Champagnie and his team argued that that the timing of the application was curious, in that it was belated, the alleged association was without any specificity and in any event more than 20 years ago.


The Judge agreed, ruling that she would not recuse herself as she saw no basis for doing so in law or otherwise.


The Judge having ruled in favour of the assistant commissioner on all points of contention, James’ lawyer requested leave to appeal. This was refused by the judge.


However, at the conclusion of today’s hearing, James’ attorney indicated his intent to appeal on all matters.


The matter goes back to court in September.

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