
Police Federation signs wage agreement

by February 22nd, 2022

Almost all public sector workers have accepted and signed off on the Government’s wage increase offer.


Police officers accepted the offer yesterday and signed the wage agreement with the Finance Ministry this morning (February 22).


The signing follows a series of negotiations between the Jamaica Police Federation and the Ministry.


The Government has offered a 4% wage increase for the contract period April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.


Speaking at the ceremony held in Kingston, Portfolio Minister, Dr. Nigel Clarke said the signing means that approximately 98% of public sector workers are covered by wage agreements.


He added that the signing is a testimony to the social cohesion of the Jamaican society and is being done in time to address issues regarding back payment to the officers.

Meantime, Chairman of the Police Federation, Corporal Rohan James said the Federation underwent many discussions regarding the Government’s offer on wages.


Corporal James added that today’s signing is a gesture of good faith.


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