
Potable Water For Clarendon

by August 16th, 2015

Residents in several Upper Clarendon communities are set to have access to reliable potable water.

This after government broke ground for the construction of a $35 million storage tank in Mason River recently.

The communities include Mason River, Kellits, Sandy River, Rhoden Hall, Elbow Corner, Douglas Castle and McKnie.

The entire network is linked to the Kellits-Croft Hill System by way of pipelines, and is part of a $200 million system that the government has undertaken for the delivery of potable water to the communities.

The system is expected to significantly reduce leakage of water and add to reliable distribution to the population.

Water Minister, Robert Pickersgill, urged the residents that when the water system comes on stream, they should pay their bills, as well as conserve on the use of the commodity.

Minister of Water, Robert Pickersgill

Minister of Water, Robert Pickersgill


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